Still breathing, barely.

 Hi friends. Life has been really tough for the last few months.  The late winter/early spring slog is tough for a lot of us, and mine has come with illness, family drama, relationship ups and downs, mental health stuff, work stuff, travel, etc.  Life just keeps happening.  I have finished some projects and I have some more in progress, but I do want to refocus myself on finishing (or frogging) UFOs, organizing my stash (there's always more yarn to log and organize and catalog), and continuing to finish projects.  I also took on some commissions during the holidays and got a reminder that they're not my favorites, but I do have one more to finish before I'll be free of them.

Here are the finished cabled aran kilt hose for a bagpiper who found my Etsy:

Here's my current UFO list, those in bold are new since my last entry:

  1. Outlander MKAL shawl: will probably frog it but would like to knit eventually
  2. Kelley's Ski Sweater: will frog, no longer the right size
  3. Woolly Rainbow Afghan: I've now frogged enough to be committed to getting the pattern right, but it's still in time out
  4. Shetland Able Cable: will frog and use the yarn for something else for myself
  5. Aidez Cardigan: Will probably frog it and pick a different pattern/project.
  6. Canterbury Phone Addict Mittens: I should finish these.
  7. Better Late Kilt Hose: Will probably frog, may use the yarn for a better project for the recipient
  8. Vacillate: actively working on it, getting *very close*
  9.  Someday Baby Blanket: Will finish and give to someone, the original recipient is about to graduate from high school
  10. Lizard ridge socks: on the last pattern repeat of the second sock,  yay!
  11. Scrappy Stripes socks: Almost to the toe of the second sock, yay!
  12. Argyle kilt hose: Doing the duplicate stitching on the first one then it needs to be seamed, second one better be quicker.
  13. Rose Garden Scatterby socks: First sock is almost to the heel (toe-up).
  14. Alpaca on the spinning wheel: The end is in sight!
  15. Merino on the spindle: This is taking forever because I'm not working on it much.


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