Coming up for Air

I've been absent for a while now. I haven't felt like saying much of anything. I've had a lot of personal challenges, but I'm trying very hard to come out the other side of them, so it's time for an update. Here's what's in the works. Vacillate shawl is done! It needs to be blocked and photographed, but I used nearly every scrap of that yarn and the product is lovely and soft. I decided to frog the Someday Baby Blanket. I'm just not in love with it any more. I may even get rid of the yarn. I feel the need for a purge. Lizard ridge socks are done and were well-received. See? The Scrappy Stripes socks are done too. I enjoyed this pattern a lot and foresee myself knitting it again. Best yet, the Argyle kilt hose are also done. I was reminded of how much of a pain argyle is. I'll get a decent finished pic before I send them to the recipient, but here's a progress shot from when I was getting close. The Scatterby socks are also frog...