July Updates (OMG how is it mid July already?!)

 Hi all!  I'm having a small amount of panic about the fact that it's the middle of July already.  I have a big SCA event in late August involving making a bunch of new garb, and I haven't gotten nearly enough done on that yet.  But that's for another day and another blog.  Here's my knitting updates for the past two weeks.

  1. Work on the Miss BB sweater is going on, slowly but surely.  The sleeves about five inches each on them and I've started the shaping.  So far so good.
  2. The Hue Shift afghan has had a minor tragedy.  Here's what I wrote about it on Facebook: "A sad story: many years ago I started knitting myself a rainbow blanket. It is worked in four sections. I made the first section, then took several years off. I made the second section, then the third, and started the fourth. The other day I decided to look at the pattern. I had started making the fourth section backwards. Okay, I'm less than 25% done with that one, I can rip it out. I get the other sections out to look at. The third section was not actually finished, that was oops #2. Section two looked good. Then I looked at section one, and apparently it was ALSO backwards. So a project I thought was now nearly finished is now less than HALF finished because that whole first section from ages ago needs to be ripped out and redone. At least I like the pattern, right? *sigh*"  I am working on finishing up the third section.  Then I will probably do the fourth section before I go back and rip/redo section 1.  Ouch.
  3. I'm almost done with the first Lizard Ridge sock, finishing up the cuff then I'll go in and do the afterthought heel.
  4. Progress on the New Year's socks continues.
That's all I've had time for this past week with everything else going on.  Here's a picture I took at Craters of the Moon a few weeks ago when I was passing through.  Happy knitting!


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