Wrapping up June

Well, friends, another two weeks have passed and much more crafting has happened. Let's see what's been in the works. The Miss BB sweater is going well. I finished the right front and started the sleeves, which I'm doing two at a time. This has been a lot of fun. Such a luxury to use my own handspun. I think I'm going to make it a rule that when I finish with a handspun project I should knit with it immediately. The thought of handspun languishing in my stash (and there's quite a bit) is just tragic. The Hue Shift afghan has only gotten a little love, having been displaced by other projects. I did work on it in the past two weeks though. The Lizard Ridge socks got some work done too. I'm past the heel marker on the first sock (these will have afterthought heels. The New Year's socks are coming along slowly but surely, the leg of the second sock is almost four inches long. And finally, I started another new/old spinning project (oops)...