WIP Wednesday with the Idaho Etsy Team
Up to this point I've mainly used this blog to talk about items I'm selling or what's going on in my etsy shop, but I think it would be far more interesting if I try to use it to share information about my crafts, whether personal or for sale, as well. I am a member of the Idaho Etsy Team, and it's high time I joined in the fun of their weekly WiP Wednesday feature, where members post about what projects they have in the works.
I just started a new knitting project today, it is one of my eighteenth-century Scottish bonnets for a client. The yarn is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in the color Amber Heather and it's beautiful, it just glows! The bonnet's small now, but I will probably have it done in no more than a couple of days. It's a quick and easy pattern and I'm a speedy knitter.
The other project I've got in the works is a group project with listeners of the Knitmore Girls Podcast, they are doing a SPAKAL (spin and knit along), we are all going to make a sweater in 2012! I am doing the whole shebang, I have a bag of fleece just off the sheep and I will be preparing, dyeing, spinning, and knitting. It will be a big project, but I know I'll love the process. Here are a few pictures of the fleece:
I wish I could somehow transmit how soft and springy this fleece is! It's very clean, but there is still some lanolin in it, which makes my hands really soft when I spin.
Come on over to the Idaho Etsy Team team blog and check out what other folks are knitting!
