Personalizing Kilt Hose

I have had an upsurge in purchases of my basic knitted kilt hose pattern lately. The pattern has some notes on customizing the hose by using different stitch patterns in the leg, and I thought I'd share a few favorites. Please be aware that the calf shaping will mean you'll need to be careful about pattern repeats and read your knitting to make sure everything lines up correctly. That said, here are a few nice (and relatively easy) stitch patterns you can use to spruce up a pair of hose (all of these are in the round):

Herringbone Stitch

Multiple of 4 stitches.

Round 1: k all
Round 2: *k2, sl 1 purlwise, k1, yo, pass slipped stitch over these two stitches*

Mistake Rib

Multiple of 3 stitches.

Round 1: *k2, p1*
Round 2: *k1, p2*

Double Rib

Multiple of 6 stitches.

Round 1: *k3, p3*
Round 2: *k1, p1*

These are all nice stretchy stitches that look lovely on hose, and I'll try to get photos up soon.

I will be posting a new washcloth pattern this week, and the stitch pattern from the washcloth would also look great on hose. I will share the stitch pattern when I post the washcloth.


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