Basic Knitted Kilt Hose

These are very bad and rudimentary photographs of the kilt hose I finished months ago, but I thought I'd get them up on the site.  The construction time was about a week all together, and I did design the pattern myself so it's available to interested parties as a PDF download for $4.00.  The pattern takes about 600 yards of worsted weight yarn (you will probably have extra left over) and size US 6 double pointed needles.  The pattern has small, medium, and large sizes.  For pics of other hose made from this pattern see

I'm currently working on a simple pair of entrelac hose and I'll share photos of those too. For now, please enjoy these low-quality pics of what is undoubtedly a high-quality pair of hose, modeled by my very own rather shapely Scottish Country Dance calves.


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