Tour de Fleece Update

Well, today is day four of the Tour de Fleece, the annual event where handspinners spin along with the cyclists in the Tour de France. My goal for this year is to spin for an hour per day for every day of the tour. I can work on whatever's at hand, I just have to get my hour. I had hoped to spin a sweater's worth of yarn, but many forces conspired to prevent that, so I'm just spinning what I've got.

 On day one I only managed half an hour of spinning. A very special young friend of mine had his Bar Mitzvah on that day, and getting to attend the service and help him celebrate took up a good portion of the day. I did sit down in the afternoon and spin, and it was marvelous, a great way to relax with a good podcast.

 On day two I got my full hour in, and probably more. I opened up my queue on hulu and turned on autoplay so it would just keep playing my favorites. I switched back and forth between knitting and spinning and polished off several weeks worth of Colbert Report shows.

On day three I worked all day, which definitely got in the way of my spinning, and I spent all of the day working on a time-sensitive project that simply had to get done. I was staring longingly at my spinning wheel the whole time I was knitting, but I didn't spin at all. I've decided that since July 10th is the first rest day of the tour I will spin instead of resting and count yesterday as rest time. Today is another work day, but I did manage to sit at the wheel for about fifteen minutes this morning while I had my cup of tea. I found it to be a really pleasant way to wake up and compose myself for the day. It was interesting to feel my hands and body get into the rhythm of the spinning and pick up speed and smoothness as I got into my groove. Sadly, just as I got into that groove it was time to get to work.

Tonight is my local yarn shop's knitting night, and I haven't been able to make it in for probably a month. I've decided I'm determined to go tonight and bring in another work in progress that really needs attention. Remember that red lace shawl from a while back? It has to be done by the end of this month. After knitting night wraps up (or after I go home to keep from murdering anyone or buying anything) I'll sit down at the wheel and get the rest of my hour in. I think I may finish the first half of that Targee I've been spinning for ages.

The other reason I need to get into the LYS is to bring in my entry for their shawl contest! The shawls will be displayed in the shop and customers will get to vote on their favorites. The prizes are gift certificates to the shop, and we all know I ALWAYS need more yarn, fiber, and supplies. I'm going to enter my most recent shawl, my handspun hitchhiker from a few months ago. Here's a pic:

Wish me luck! I know it's not a technically difficult pattern, but I'm hoping the beauty of the yarn and the elegance of the pattern will appeal to the voters. If you're in the area, stop by The Twisted Ewe and give me a vote!


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