Equinox Arts

It's been a long time since I've sat down to write here. I've felt swamped at work, I've felt swamped at home. I've felt obligated to work on things that didn't bring me joy. I made little progress and got sick of saying so. But I'm shaking the dust off today with a few updates. Hopefully it'll help my momentum continue. Here's how my art has been going lately. UGH - I finished all the knitting on the Miss BB cardigan, and was heartbroken to realize that the sleeves are too small. The project has been in time out for a while before I decide if I rip out and reknit the sleeves, which would be faster but I'm already knitting the largest size (hello body dysmorphia), rip out and reknit the whole thing (because at one time I really liked this pattern) or rip out and find another use for the yarn, either a more size-inclusive pattern or something I customize myself. I've had little experience with sweaters and I've never made one I ac...