Alive and WIP-ing!

One of the New Year's Socks in progress, my office/desk WIP I've been thinking about coming back to this blog for a long time, and I've decided it's finally time to do so. Maybe it's because I'm not at all interested in working right now thanks to anxiety, sleep deprivation, allergies, and stress. I'll try to make this quick. I've set myself a task for 2022 and I want to document it a bit more formally. After not being able to find a pair of size 6 needles (my most commonly-used size, I have a zillion pairs), I realized I have too many UFOs in my life and I need to finish them, so other than paid commissions, I decided that I will not start any new projects in 2022. I'm sure I won't stick to that, but the mindset of clearing out my Area 51 (you know, where the UFOs live) is freeing. I've also given myself permission to frog any projects that are no longer inspiring me, or are the wrong size or somehow otherwise no longer satisfying. I...