Things are happening

Hi! Time for more updates on my art. I've done a bit of spinning on my wheel and practicing my wool combing techniques. It's slow going but I love it. I just wasn't in love with the green chain-ply spindle project, so I've tossed what's already spun (maybe an ounce? maybe less?) and I'll find something else to do with that spindle and that wool. The Quynn hat for my nephew is done! This was quick and easy and it's so cute on him. The Taylor shawl is nearly done. I'll have left over handspun so I might make some matching mitts. I've worked on the Rye Light socks, I'm about 2/3 done with the first one. Making socks for big feet takes ages. I dug out the Turkish spindle and distaff with the blue/gray/white wool on it. I'm amazed at how finely past me spun the first few ounces. Keeping it at that level is tough. I cast on more socks for me, the Giles Wavy socks . This is my new desk knitting at work. That's all for now! Hat picture...